CPCS 222

The objective of this course is to study the logical and algebraic relationships between discrete objects. This course cultivates clear thinking and creative problem solving by developing students’ mathematical maturity in several core areas: logic and proofs, sets, functions, relations, and counting techniques.

مواعيد المحاضرات:

Section ABR

08:50 - 08:00 Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday

Section CAR

09:50 - 09:00 Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday

الساعات المكتبية:

 Office Hours 12:30-1:30 M

توزيع الدرجات:

:The final mark is graded out of 100 and it distributed as follows
Midterm: 30
Final Exam: 30
Assignments (3): 20
Quizzes (3): 10

Lab participation and problem solving: 10

Total 100


آخر تحديث
4/22/2021 1:40:52 AM